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It's Been A Great Run, but times have changed and it's time to move on... |
Back in 2003 AOL Instant Messenger was popular and chat bots were a new and exciting development. AI-Buddy did quite a good job providing new innovative tools / features that other AIM services did not offer - such as chat bots, buddy pounce, automated away messages, etc... We peaked between 2004 and 2007, and then our numbers have slowly declined. It's been hard not being able to dedicate the kind of time required to evolve a product like this, and with AOL Instant Messenger & Chat Bots not being as popular as they used to be, it's hard to justify continuing work in this area. We have been running the site at a loss for quite a few years now to maintain the product for our dedicated customers, but we have reached a point where it is no longer feasible to keep it online as an AOL Messenger / Chat Bot product. We would like to thank everyone who had an interest in AI-Buddy, for giving us a chance in this field.
Please feel free to keep, or on your radar as at some point in the future we may begin work on something new.
What Can AI-Buddy Do For You? |
- Keep your AIM Account online 24/7!
That's right, keep your AIM account online 24/7 with ai-buddy. Turn your computer off at night and don't worry about it until you want to check your messages. AI-Buddy is the most feature rich web based AIM client available!
- IM your Buddies even when they are Offline
With AI-Buddy you can send messages to your buddies even when they are offline! We schedule them to be sent when they login again so they get your messages at the soonest possible moment.
- Ai-Buddy Auto Login
Don't worry about turning ai-buddy on when you logoff AIM, with the Auto-Login feature AI-Buddy detects when you turn off your computer and will login your AIM screenname for you automatically!
- Intense 2-Way IM Forwarding
You can have your IMs forwarded to another AIM screenname, Email account and Mobile Device (Cell Phone, PDA, etc...). You can setup your IMs to be forwarded to your cell phone during the day and to your email address at night. A full range of customizations available!
Mobile IM (IM for free from your Cell Phone!) Have your instant messages sent instantly to your mobile device (cell phone, pager, pda, etc) or email address with AI-Buddy. AI-Buddy also has it's own WAP based IM client for cell phones. That's right no more $0.05 an IM, this is all free and available via your Mobile Device's EMail Address or "".
- Create AIM, AOL, Web, WAP and EMail chat bots!
AI-Buddy has an outstanding set of tools for you to create your own interactive chat bot for AIM, AOL, the web, EMail and even Mobile Phones. And since AI-Buddy keeps your account online 24/7, your bots stay online 24/7 as well! Supports AIML 1.0! New to come, Bot Games - currently featuring Casino Blackjack, Tic Tac Toe, Hangman, and more! - Customize your bot to respond the way you want it to! - Bot Trainer, Teach your bot to say stuff just by talking to it!
- Buddy Alerts:
Now with AI-Buddy Buddy Alerts you can be notified by AIM, your cell phone or EMail when one or more of your buddies Sign-On AIM, Sign-Off AIM, or Both!
- Buddy Pounce:
Now with AI-Buddy Buddy Pounce you can send Instant Messages to your Buddies even when they are Offline!! You can also schedule Messages to be sent on specific days of the year and hours of the day. That's right, schedule IMs for your friends birthdays and special events, etc...
- Create your own IM based Quiz!
AI-Buddy allows you to create IM based quizzes. While you are away have your friends take your quiz just by IMing your screenname, how cool is that?
- Enrich your AIM experience while Away!
AI-Buddy is helping you automate your online experience by adding the ability create sets of away messages that load based on days of the week and time of day. Automatically have away messages show up for your lunch break, business meetings, sleep, outings, etc... AI-Buddy also adds support for:
- Random Profiles
- Random and In-Order Away Messages
- Personalized Away Messages (only go to the screennames you specify)
- Random Fact, Quote and News Away Message modes
Get the best out of your AIM account and provide your friends with some fun feature rich content, all FREE!
- AI-Buddy is a full featured Web Based AIM Client!
Chat with your buddies in real time right from the AI-Buddy website! Manage your buddy lists, set your privacy mode and block users, get member info, idle times and warning levels. This is a full featured AIM client. Many have proclaimed it is better than AIM express and is the best alternative to IM at work!
- AI-Buddy Mail (!
Give your chat Bot at AI-Buddy the ability to reply to emails with your own AI-Buddy Mail Account. Have your friends take your quiz by email as well. You can also send and receive EMails as if they were IMs via the Ai-Buddy website (web based email). All available with the standard upgrade.
- Your own AI-Buddy Chat Page
You get your own AI-Buddy chat page FREE when you signup. Have your friends and fam chat with your account directly on the web. This is 2 way so you can chat back to them on the website, very neat! Embedded iframe code's are also available for you to put the chat box directly on your own website!
- Direct IM Notification!
Do you run a merchant website? Would you like to know when you sell products via AIM? AI-Buddy provides you with an easy to use direct IM tool which will allow you to be directly notified when crucial things happen on your website!
- AI-Buddy Community!
Make your chat Bot or Quiz available to the public and get recognition for it in the AI-Buddy Community.
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